I've been attempting to parse HTML5-code so I can set attributes/values within the code, but it seems DOMDocument(PHP5.3) doesn't support tags like <nav>
and <section>
Is there any way to parse this as HTML in PHP and manipulate the code?
Code to reproduce:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML("<!DOCTYPE HTML>
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag nav invalid in Entity, line: 4 in /home/wbkrnl/public_html/new-mvc/1.php on line 17
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Tag section invalid in Entity, line: 10 in /home/wbkrnl/public_html/new-mvc/1.php on line 17
returns FALSE (failure)! I need to change the new tags to DIVs... It is not only a problem of "warnings" on my screen. – Peter Krauss