
I am using timer in input capture mode in STM32 micro with keil compiler, and I want to trigger an interrupt whenever counter register of the dedicated timer overflows.

Could anyone please tell me how i can do that? what is the name of this interrupt?

Note: I am using hal functions.

Read the documentation.TomServo
keil.com/download/docs/352.asp There is an example of using the external interrupt.Adam Johnston

1 Answers


Please check out the (exact) controller type you are using on the STM homepage (you can start from here: https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32-32-bit-arm-cortex-mcus.html

On the product page for your controller, you'll find a useful list of PDFs under "Resources", especially

Looking for the correct library functions, you can use STM32CubeMX to configure the timers in a GUI and have the correct driver codes generated for you.

Good luck!