I'm new to ARM MCUs (STM32F411), and I have been trying to find my way around the peripherals using STM's HAL library and STM32Cube.
I've already configured my board in order to use some peripherals:
Timer 2 for running an interrupt with a certain frequency
Timer 3 for running PWMs on 3 channels of it.
ADC with 4 channels, into DMA mode, for reading some analog input.
Let us suppose, now, that the PWM's whole period is 100 ms and its duty cycle is 50% (50 ms PWM on and 50 ms PWM off).
I would like to trigger an interrupt after a certain time of the PWM on level, let us say 50% of it.
Hence, I would like to run an interrupt at 25 ms in order to use the ADC for sampling it's analog inputs.
Do you have any suggestion on how could I implement such a kind of interrupt?
Thank you in advance for your help!