I'm trying to learn the shopify api for a project. Tried a few pasted codes on their forum, adapting my code to theirs.
The documentation says to do the authentication this way, by providing the following:
- {username} — The API key that you generated
- {password} — The API password
- {shop} - The name that you entered for your development store
- {api-version} — The supported API version you want to use
- {resource} — A resource endpoint from the REST admin API
I'm trying to do a GET request on all the orders made on the store.
/ info
$API_KEY = '75c89bf******ea919ce****7702';
$PASSWORD = '2061******82d2802ff***9403';
$STORE_URL = 'porcao-na-sua-casa.myshopify.com';
$AUTHORIZATION = base64_encode($API_KEY . ':' . $PASSWORD);
$url = 'https://' . $API_KEY . ':' . $PASSWORD . '@' . $STORE_URL . '/admin/api/2020-01/orders.json';
$header = array();
$header[] = 'Accept: application/json';
$header[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
$header[] = 'Authorization: Basic ' . $AUTHORIZATION;
$session = curl_init();
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_GET, 1);
curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($session);
// error
if($response === false)
print_r('Curl error: ');
The code doesn't work at all, without any error code, completly blank, with only the first project echo showing. I verified my API keys and they are working, I can insert them manually into chrome.