I am using boost::asio::io_service to call the std::thread as shown below.. function:
91 0 : void start_tcp( std::shared_ptr<mapping_t> m_mapping, l_publisher& ll_publisher,
92 : reg_publisher& reg_publisher, std::mutex& mtx, bool debug, const string& host,
93 : uint16_t port, uint16_t maximum_number_of_connections ) {
94 : spdlog::info( "start_tcp debug:{} host:{} port:{} max_connections:{}", debug, host, port,
95 0 : maximum_number_of_connections );
96 0 : modbus_t* ctx = nullptr;
97 0 : if( host == "" ) {
98 0 : ctx = new_tcp( NULL, port );
99 : } else {
100 0 : ctx = new_tcp( host.c_str(), port );
101 : }
**Above function calling from thread insdie main.cpp:**
: std::thread tcp_thread{start_tcp,
424 : m_mapping,
425 0 : std::ref( l_publisher ),
426 0 : std::ref( reg_publisher ),
427 0 : std::ref( mtx ),
428 : debug_mode,
429 0 : input_file["bindAddress"].as<string>(),
430 0 : input_file["port"].as<unsigned>(),
431 0 : config["maximum-connections"].as<unsigned>()};
432 0 : io_service->run();
When I compile I could see .gcno files are generated. It means, I properly set -g -O0 --coverage
compiler flag and then -lgcov
linker flag. Also, after the test has run, the .gcda files are generated. But there's no coverage shown for the function start_tcp even though it is executed.
I could see the following been printed to the console when the test has executed; which means this function is executed. But the coverage hasn't shown anything.
spdlog::info( "start_tcp debug:{} host:{} port:{} max_connections:{}", debug,
excerpt from test output: [2020-03-21 10:41:48.268] [info] start_tcp debug:false host: port:1502 max_connections:50\n'
The test is not a unit test, rather it's a functional test written in python (using python subprocess) which validates the commandline options of an executable built from the source.
Can someone help me with this problem. Am I doing anything wrong or for boost threads do we need some other special flags if any to get the right coverage report??