Below is code snippet from the actual code base. Please assume host, port, ioc, all are available and initialized.
// Connection establisher class
class CSSLConn: public std::enable_shared_from_this<CSSLConn>
// Class for maintaining the thread pool
class CHttpClient
// vector to hold connction objects
std::vector <std::shared_ptr<CSSLConn>> m_sslConnObj{};
// main method call this to create connection
void CHttpClient::Initialize(int nThreads)
for (int x = 0; x < nThreadCount; ++x)
worker_threads_.create_thread(boost::bind(&CHttpClient::WorkerThread, this));
// let connection get established
// creating threads for thread pool
void CHttpClient::WorkerThread()
auto client = std::make_shared<CSSLConn>(ioc, m_ctx, sHost, sPort);
client->connect(sHost.c_str(), sPort.c_str());
1/20 times I hit with heap corruption while it try to create thread pool, mostly with the second thread. I am suspecting std::vector, because it allocate memory while pushing (but I am not sure is it the real culprit). I am maintaining the vector of connection to disconnect all at end.
sometimes crash happens at "boost::system::error_code background_getaddrinfo" function, but all the values looks good here.
I am not much familiar with boost, if anyone know how to debug it better, how can I see what is going inside Boost will help me a lot.