Complete swift beginner struggling to add nodes to scene on tap of a button.
I am aware I can use tap gesture to get the tap coordinates and perform a hit test and then place an object in 3D space where tapped. However I want to show a sphere or crosshair in the centre of device screen and when tap a button at the bottom of the screen have the same behaviour of obtaining the same information a tap gesture would give.(At least i think that is what I need to do here i'm not sure.)
After loading my scene I add a small Sphere to the child node of the camera point of view like this:
sphereNode = SCNNode(geometry: SCNSphere(radius: 0.020))
sphereNode?.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, -2)
This places the sphere in the centre of the screen slightly in front of the camera. As I move the device around the room the sphere stays in the middle as expected. I want to be able to tap a button then obtain the information that a tap gesture would give in order to perform a hit test and place a new sphere in the scene at that location. Unless there is another better way of doing this?
The behaviour I am looking for is very similar to that of the iOS measuring app. The measure point stays in the centre of the screen at all times, then on tapping add a new point is added.