I am trying to just detect a tap on an SCNNode instantiated in my AR scene. It does not seem to work like SceneKit hit test results here, and I don't have much experience with scene kit.
I just want to detect if the tapped point is contained within any node in the scene, thus detecting a tap on the object. What I have tried from other answers:
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
guard let touch = touches.first else { return }
let results = sceneView.hitTest(touch.location(in: sceneView), types: [ARHitTestResult.ResultType.featurePoint])
guard let hitFeature = results.last else { return }
let hitTransform = SCNMatrix4.init(hitFeature.worldTransform)
let hitPosition = SCNVector3Make(hitTransform.m41,
if(theDude.node.boundingBoxContains(point: hitPosition))
Nothing gets printed with the last if statement, which I got with:
extension SCNNode {
func boundingBoxContains(point: SCNVector3, in node: SCNNode) -> Bool {
let localPoint = self.convertPosition(point, from: node)
return boundingBoxContains(point: localPoint)
func boundingBoxContains(point: SCNVector3) -> Bool {
return BoundingBox(self.boundingBox).contains(point)
struct BoundingBox {
let min: SCNVector3
let max: SCNVector3
init(_ boundTuple: (min: SCNVector3, max: SCNVector3)) {
min = boundTuple.min
max = boundTuple.max
func contains(_ point: SCNVector3) -> Bool {
let contains =
min.x <= point.x &&
min.y <= point.y &&
min.z <= point.z &&
max.x > point.x &&
max.y > point.y &&
max.z > point.z
return contains
And the ARHitTestResult
doesn't contain nodes. What can I do to detect a tap on a node in an ARScene?