I have enemies
who face a certain direction, illustrated with a thick black line. I'd like to create a "view cone", which registers when the mouse enters it.
Here is my code:
// Get a point 60px from the enemy, in the direction it is looking
let lookingAt = p5.Vector.fromAngle(this.a).mult(60).add(this.p);
// Draw a line for debugging.
line(this.p.x, this.p.y, lookingAt.x, lookingAt.y);
// Get the angle between this position and the players
let toPlayer = Math.atan2(player.p.y - this.p.y, player.p.x - this.p.x);
// if the angle from this to the player minus the angle this character is looking at is more than PI/4, stop
if(Math.abs( toPlayer - this.a ) > (Math.PI/4)){
return false;
if(this.p.dist(player.p) > 30){
return false;
// Draw the sight line
line(this.p.x, this.p.y, player.p.x, player.p.y);
And here is a demo: https://codepen.io/EightArmsHQ/pen/9ef2e8266f4cfb14b4ac177c135908b4?editors=0010
My issue is, I'm getting irregular results:
Top right and bottom left are correct, the other two are showing the wrong view-cone.
I thought that it was due to one angle being between 0 and Math.PI*2
, and the other being from an offset amount, so tried to use things like this:
if(Math.abs( toPlayer%(Math.PI*2) - this.a%(Math.PI*2) ) > (Math.PI/4)){
But that isn't it... I also tried switching the order of the subtraction:
if(Math.abs( this.a - toPlayer ) > (Math.PI/4)){
But that also didn't do the trick. I can't work out what part of my equation I'm doing wrong.