I currently have the following architecture
APP -> API -> KeyCloak
I want the APP to be able to send requests to my API which will then internally proxy certain requests to KeyCloak. For example, I'd like to make a request to the /userinfo endpoint in KeyCloak through my API. If I can figure this out I can then perform more complex features.
APP -> http://api:port/api/userinfo API -> http://keycloak:port/auth/realms/quartech/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
I have a valid JWT Bearer token. As I can directly make the request to KeyCloak successfully, however if I attempt to make the request via my API it returns 401. Even though it is using the same JWT Bearer token.
I believe it has something to do with configuring the KeyCloak client to allow requests to come from the API. But so far I haven't been able to figure it out.
for my Keycloak docker container. Here is documentation that may be useful: Setting Up a Load Balancer or Proxy – Yuriy P