
I want to avoid the keycloak login page. I refer this "Avoid keycloak default login page and use project login page" link and able to get the access token using post method to "http://localhost:5555/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token" link.

After getting access token in this step, it is mentioned to pass the below headers

headers :{

Authorization : 'Bearer ' + access_token_you_got


But it is not clear about where to pass the access token and what will be the response and what type of request.

This question might look very basic. As i am new to this, it is taking long time to understand. Any help is appreciated here.


2 Answers


After Getting the Access token you will have to pass the access token to access data for keycloak protected resource.

headers :{

Authorization : 'Bearer ' + access_token_you_got


I was also wondering the same thing and what I did was for each redirect in my application I have created a middleware which will authenticate the token.If the token is not valid or the token doesn't exist user will be redirected to login page to authenticate.


A good start would be to understand the basics of OAuth2 protocol, its main actors and authorization grant types.

- Authorization server
- Resource server
- Client
- Resource owner

Grant types:
- Authorization code grant
- Implicit grant
- Client credentials grant
- Resource owner credentials grant

Once you understand which grant type is suitable to your case, it becomes clear what request and response headers should you send and receive to/from actors of the authorization flow.

There are a lot of articles on this topic and I find this one particularly useful:

Keycloak's login page is particularly helpful while implementing Authorization code and Implicit grant types of OAuth protocol.