
I am new to Laravel and Eloquent is quite a challenge for me to understand. I have a User and a UserProfile model and table. UserProfile table has user_id (FK to user's id), 'key, and value fields.

I want to get the values of all the UserProfile fields associated with the user_id. Here is my code but nothing works. I am sure I am making some stupid mistakes but still learning :) Laravel.

UserProfile Model

class UserProfile extends Model
    public $timestamps = FALSE;

    protected $fillable = [

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

User Model method

public function profileFields(){

    return $this->hasMany(UserProfile::class);


UserProfile Migration

public function up()
    Schema::create('user_profiles', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->string('key', 191);

        $table->foreign('user_id', 'user_profile_uid_fk')

        $table->unique(['user_id', 'key'], 'user_profile_unique_key');

I am trying to get the profile fields for the user using User::findOrFail(10)->profileFields but it is giving me property not defined exception.

Need Help: Can anyone help me to make it work so I can get all user_profiles fields from the profile table?

Error Output (Tinker)

>>> User::findOrFail(10)->profileFields

Illuminate/Database/QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'velvetpaper.user_user_profile' doesn't exist (SQL: select user_profiles.*, user_user_profile.user_id as pivot_user_id, user_user_profile.user_profile_id as pivot_user_profile_id from user_profiles inner join user_user_profile on user_profiles.id = user_user_profile.user_profile_id where user_user_profile.user_id = 10)'

Are you sure that it's failing from that line? Because Eloquent doesn't throw an exception when you try to access an undefined property, it simply returns null.Chin Leung
Can you show us the whole error message?Chin Leung
I am trying in tinker. Let me post the outputCode Lover
@ChinLeung I have updated question with output. I realized there is something wrong with relation as it is searching for user_user_profile that sounds weired. :SCode Lover
Are you sure you've used the hasMany relation in your App\User model instead of a belongsToMany? It would make sense for Laravel to search in user_user_profile table if you've used a belongsToMany.Chin Leung

2 Answers


you can use join to implement this stuff. like this... this is query builder


return view('profile_view',$data)



The relation between users and user_profiles is a one to many.

You might have not restarted Tinker since you are getting the wrong error, dont forget to exit Tinker after the modification in the code. Once tinker is started, code changes wont affect it.