I am trying to customize the scrollbar in Select2 dropdowns with the SimpleBar library. Normally what I do is wrap the element that contains the scrollbar with the following markup as instructed in the Simplebar library:
<div data-simplebar></div>
But the tricky part here is that the Select2 class that needs to be wrapped, select2-results__options
, is generated not only when the page is loaded but only when the Select2 dropdown has been opened.
Simplebar documents another method you can use which is this way:
new SimpleBar(document.getElementById('myElement'));
However the element I am trying to target is neither an Id nor does it exist until I select the dropdown and open it, rendering this useless.
Is there anyway to customize the scrollbar with an alternative method?
Simplebar documentation: https://github.com/Grsmto/simplebar/tree/master/packages/simplebar