I have 2 dictionaries, dict1
and dict2
which contain the same keys, but different values for the keys. What I want to do is for each dictionary, sort the values from largest to smallest, and then give each value a rank 1-N, 1 being the largest value. From here, I want to get the difference of the ranks for the values in each dictionary for the same key. For example:
dict1 = {a:0.6, b:0.3, c:0.9, d:1.2, e:0.2}
dict2 = {a:1.4, b:7.7, c:9.0, d:2.5, e:2.0}
# sorting by values would look like this:
dict1 = {d:1.2, c:0.9, a:0.6, b:0.3, e:0.2}
dict2 = {c:9.0, b:7.7, d:2.5, e:2.0, a:1.4}
#ranking the values would produce this:
dict1 = {d:1, c:2, a:3, b:4, e:5}
dict2 = {c:1, b:2, d:3, e:4, a:5}
#computing the difference between ranks would be something like this:
diffs = {}
for x in dict1.keys():
diffs[x] = (dict1[x] - dict2[x])
#diffs would look like this:
diffs[a] = -2
diffs[b] = 2
diffs[c] = 1
diffs[d] = -2
diffs[e] = 1
I know dictionaries are meant to be random and not sortable, but maybe there is a method to put the keys and values into a list? The main challenges I am facing are getting the keys and values sorted by value (largest to smallest) and then changing the value to its respective rank in the sorted list.