I would like to create a new F# Web ASPNET (not Core) Application using the MSBuild based legacy project format, not the SDK project. In Visual Studio 2019, the only available option for this project type is C#. I've attempted to reverse engineer the project setup by creating a new F# class library and modify the ProjectTypeGuids
The C# Web Application uses the following project type GUIDs
349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21 - ASP.NET MVC 5
fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc - C#
On a basic F# .NET Framework class library, I attempted to add the ASP.NET and F# project type guids to the project.
This succeeded in adding the web configuration to the project properties, but now I am unable to add any items to the project at all. It looks like in the past you needed to associate the right language templates with the project guid in the registry editor (see this link)
These entries don't appear to be anywhere that I can see in the registry, for any installed version of VS (which at this point is just 2017 and 2019). How can I enable F# item templates for my F# web application?
, and manually installing any frameworks / references, but could not get visual studio to launch the app properly. Unless I'm misunderstanding something I'm not sure that the new project system supports legacy aspnet projects yet stackoverflow.com/questions/49076273/… – mclark1129