
I've got a Java application that uses RabbitMQ. This application creates a TOPIC exchange and pushes messages to the TOPIC with its own routing key. From this way if I want the data from any application I create a queue binding with the exchange TOPIC and the routing key I want to.

I want to do the same thing by using a Java application with Qpid JMS as the client and ActiveMQ as the server. The information says it's possible, but I don't know how. I cannot found a specific example seems to RabbitMQ. I can create queues but I don't know how to create the exchange and the binding. What steps should I follow to achieve it?


1 Answers


You might consider using ActiveMQ Artemis instead of ActiveMQ 5.x as the address model of Artemis is much more similar to RabbitMQ's than 5.x's address model (which is more JMS-centric).

As far as JMS goes I think what you need is:

  1. A topic. This is analogous to the "exchange" from RabbitMQ. Any message sent to a JMS topic is delivered to every subscriber. It's basic publish/subscribe semantics.
  2. A topic subscriber with a selector. As noted in #1, every subscriber on a topic will get any message sent to that topic, but a JMS "selector" can be used to filter messages similar to the routing key in RabbitMQ.
  3. An agreed-upon key for a message property. In order to create a viable selector for the topic subscriber the producer and the subscriber must agree upon the property key to filter on.

If each subscription is going to have lots of messages and those messages need to be shared among multiple subscribers/consumers (e.g. for load-balancing/distribution) then you will need to use a JMS "shared subscription." However, shared subscriptions are only part of JMS 2 and only ActiveMQ Artemis implements JMS 2. You can't use ActiveMQ 5.x with JMS shared subscriptions as it only supports JMS 1.1.

Both ActiveMQ 5.x and ActiveMQ Artemis create server-side resources (e.g. topics, queues, etc.) on-demand by default so all you need to do is write your JMS application.