I have added a new attribute OOTB (BundleTemplate) to Product (this attribute is catalog aware) and everytime I try to synchronize a product I get this error:
ERROR [000001KN::de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.synchronization.CatalogVersionSyncJob] (000001KN) [CatalogVersionSyncMaster] sync ended with 4 unfinished items - see last sync media for details
ERROR [000001KN::de.hybris.platform.catalog.jalo.synchronization.CatalogVersionSyncJob] (000001KN) [CatalogVersionSyncJob] Finished synchronization in 0d 00h:00m:00s:999ms. There were errors during the synchronization!
With this info I just can't find the reason why the sync isn't working , is there any way to debug this to get a better LOG ?