I have two vue files, app.vue and logincomponent.vue.
I use logincomponent.vue to make template that does login box and uses scripts to communicate with go backend in wails, the code itself works, but I'm trying to change value in main app.vue but i cant get it working.
The question is: "How do I change value of variable in main vue app from component?"
import LoginScreen from "./components/LoginScreen.vue"
data: () => ({
drawer: false,
currentScreenID: 0,
logged: false
sendLogin: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.$refs.login_form.validate()) {
self.dialog = true;
self.loadingCircleLogin = true;
self.login_dialog_title = self.login_dialog_logging_title;
window.backend.sendLoginToBackend(self.email, self.password, self.remember_email).then(result => {
if (result === false) {
self.loadingCircleLogin = false;
self.loginFailText = true;
self.login_dialog_title = self.login_dialog_error_title;
} else {
self.dialog = false;
self.currentScreenID = 3;