I have a weird issue in some of my Vue js components, let me explain. I only render my component template after data has been initialised like so:
<div v-if='!isLoading'>
<!-- content -->
<div v-else>...</div>
In the created method of this component, I get some data from the store and set isLoading to false like so.
data() {
return {
variable: null,
isLoading: true,
created() {
this.variable = this.$store.getters['someModule/someGetter']
this.isLoading = false
Here's where the weird behaviour happens. Even though I updated the isLoading variable to false in the created method, the component template is not updating.
When I log the isLoading variable to the console at the end of the created method, it logs false, like i set it. But when I check the isLoading variable in the Vue js tools, it's still set to true...
Lets say this components is rendered in '/content'. This weird behaviour happens when I change routes from '/' to '/content'. When I refresh the app on the '/content' route, this doesn't happen. When I go from '/' to '/other-content' and then to '/content' it also doesn't happen.
Any ideas on why this happens would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks is advance and have a nice day!
in thiscreated
hook and check if it is always called ? – IVO GELOVmounted
lifecycle hook instead? – Kelvin Omereshoneasync/await
would be handy on thecreated()
hook if it's the case. – kissu