
I have followed this tutorial step by step https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_kBzJN8pAY and I am 100% sure that I did everything correctly but unfortunately I am getting this error:

PS C:\MyApps\firstapp> flutter packages pub global run webdev serve webdev could not run for this project. You must have a dependency on build_runner in pubspec.yaml.

pubspec.yaml dev_dependencies: build_runner: >=1.6.2 <2.0.0 You must have a dependency on build_web_compilers in pubspec.yaml.

pubspec.yaml dev_dependencies: build_web_compilers: >=1.2.0 <3.0.0 You have a dependency on cupertino_icons which is not supported for

flutter_web tech preview. See https://flutter.dev/web for more details. You have a dependency on flutter which is not supported for flutter_web tech preview. See https://flutter.dev/web for more details. You have a dependency on flutter_test which is not supported for flutter_web tech preview. See https://flutter.dev/web for more details. pub finished with exit code 78

Please provide every CODE what you have tried. We are not going to see that tutorial, implement in our system and find a solution. After seeing proper code, other contributors will have proper idea what's the problem in error.Vi_real
run this command( flutter channel ) in terminal and add the output.Viren V Varasadiya

2 Answers


If you follow that video exactly and did not change anything then you are on stable channel in flutter.

If You want to run flutter web then you have to move to beta channel.

Flutter web is under development, so it is only available on that channel.

check out here: https://flutter.dev/web

You can check channel by Following command.

flutter channel

you can see Following output.

Flutter channels:
* master

In Your case may be star is in front of stable.

Run Following command to move to beta channel.

Flutter channel beta

Now run following command to upgrade flutter.

flutter upgrade

Now You are good to go.


Nothing has worked for me. In order to use flutter and dart, I used Android Studio. It look like the problem is from Visual Studio Code. Thanks for your help, Jim