I am using the below code :
I have loaded csharp_dotnetcore.sln in visual studio file and able to see core-bot todo-bot ,using-cards and multi-turn-prompt . I am able to build the project. It is mentioned in README that I have to download the json file from LUIS and put in specific location.However, even after downloading the file and putting in the location, intents are not getting recognized.
Please help me with adding a LUIS intent in this project.
And also where to do the necessary changes to identify the intents provided in chat bot. Will it be in RootDialog.cs ? I have also put the LUIS app id and key and hostname in CoreBot.luis.json.
In the attached screenshot ,sample output can be seen. Where it is only producing the output from CoreBot.luis.json file and its kind of a static output, even though after changing the json file content i am getting the same response in chatbot and i also want it to detect the output directly from LUIS portal
Please help.