
I am trying to get the following sample bot working.


I can run it and connect to it using Bot Framework Emulator successfully.

The following conversation works:

Book flight

  • What is your departure city?
  • Where would you like to travel to?
  • What is your departure date?
  • Does this sound righ to you? I have you traveling to: dallas from: miami on: 2020-03-13
  • I have you booked to dallas from miami on 2020-03-13.

The problem is when I try to book a flight AND provide a city at the same time

"book flight from miami" - What is your departure city?

My understanding is the bot should recognize the entity miami as a departure city and then ask for the destination city.

I believe the RootDialog.cs file (I am using straight from sample) uses SetProperty() in the Book_flight intent to accomplish this.


I thought the SetProperty() action would store the entity

Value = "@fromCity.location"

in the property

Property = "conversation.flightBooking.destinationCity"

Subsequently, the TextInput would use the prompt

Prompt = new ActivityTemplate("@{PromptForMissingInformation()}")

which reads in the RootDialog.lg file


# PromptForMissingInformation
- IF: @{conversation.flightBooking.departureCity == null} 
  - @{PromptForDepartureCity()}
- ELSEIF: @{conversation.flightBooking.destinationCity == null}
  - @{PromptForDestinationCity()}
- ELSEIF: @{conversation.flightBooking.departureDate == null}
  - @{PromptForTravelDate()}
- ELSE: 
  - @{ConfirmBooking()}

This should NOT prompt for departure city if it was already provided/stored.

I also looked at the results returned from LUIS using LUIS trace in Bot Framework Emulator. LUIS appears to correctly identify the intent Book_flight AND the entity fromCity as miami

  "recognizerResult": {
    "alteredText": null,
    "entities": {
      "$instance": {
        "fromCity": [
            "endIndex": 22,
            "startIndex": 17,
            "text": "miami",
            "type": "builtin.geographyV2.city"
      "fromCity": [
          "location": "miami",
          "type": "city"
    "intents": {
      "Book_flight": {
        "score": 0.941154063
    "text": "book flight from miami"

Why is SetProperty() not saving the fromCity entity information? The 3 SetProperty() actions can be removed and the bot still works the same. Does this sample bot work for other people? What am I missing?

Any help would be appreciated.


1 Answers


It appears the recognized entities are stored in an array and need to be accessed via the long form in the Value expression of the SetProperty() Action.

new SetProperty()

     Property = "conversation.flightBooking.departureCity",
     // Value is an expresson. @entityName is short hand to refer to the value of an entity recognized.
     // @xxx is same as turn.recognized.entities.xxx
     //Value = "@fromCity.location"                                
     Value = "turn.recognized.entities.fromCity[0].location"

the same for destinationCity

Value = "turn.recognized.entities.toCity[0].location"

and departureDate

Value = "turn.recognized.entities.datetime[0].timex[0]"

These changes allow the entities to be stored and NOT asked for if they are provided in original message. For example,

Book flight from miami
- Where would you like to travel to? 

(miami is stored as departureCity and used later, destination city is prompter for)

I can't say this will work in all situations as I'm not sure of the data model, but it does seem to fix the sample, which should probably be updated.

btw - Botframework Dialog Debugger does help with debugging.
