I have computed a principal component analysis (PCA) and derived a plot with PC1 vs PC2. This shows the variation in expression of around 14 genes when comparing three disease groups ( 0 (control), 1 (ulcerative colitis) and 2 (Crohn's disease).
I would like to have a box plot for each group for the first three principal components, resulting in 9 Box and Whisker plots altogether.
The matrix of data prior to calculating the PCA has row names that correspond to the numbers 0,1 or 2. The columns represent different genes ( and the corresponding gene expression values).
I used prcomp to calculate the PCA plot (scaled and centered and also log-transformed).
Here is a snapshot of my matrix prior to PCA;
structure(c(9.11655423831332, 10.489164314825, 1.91402056531454,
7.15827328042159, 4.24137583841638, 8.27769344002199, 8.56104058610663,
10.4808234419919, 2.90978833628418, 6.23818256006594, 5.22964773531333,
10.7708328724305, 7.29461400089235, 11.8318994425553, 3.03424662623575,
8.01272738639518, 4.99017087770597, 11.5985078491858, 7.81888257764922,
11.9022935347989, 1.27378277405718, 7.22371591364402, 5.35032777682152,
11.3245694322554, 7.53493825433311, 12.3702117577478, 2.28591365299837,
6.3684670711928, 4.79325114470697, 11.2368359301193, 7.42400102411584,
10.4893608659259, 2.29357094839174, 7.39880980207098, 4.06127337845416,
10.064874404576, 8.23639009062635, 12.041628287702, 1.68881444318413,
6.83433748681479, 4.58216981866268, 10.7369117797388, 8.52022902181642,
11.8310518930764, 1.09698581801487, 7.01560705946119, 4.42096319700341,
9.55024900954538, 6.78397242802669, 10.7346656491963, 1.8562428132184,
6.79381714159694, 4.76311785326908, 9.2896578696716, 7.38261637784709,
11.8956476271189, 0.676793904156995, 7.12068629785535, 4.50969591112091,
10.3965680730289, 7.76024460081224, 11.4191374294463, 2.51273901194187,
6.49764372886188, 5.95216200154652, 8.80877686581081, 7.92745512232284,
9.64936710370214, 2.75037060332872, 8.32919606967059, 5.13312284319216,
10.0205608136955, 8.32640003009823, 10.7914139100956, 3.07554840032925,
7.71871340592007, 5.75595649315905, 9.71791978048218, 7.13284940508783,
10.9113426747693, 1.07350504928193, 6.56249247218448, 5.35574874951741,
9.54833175767732), .Dim = c(6L, 14L), .Dimnames = list(c("1",
"1", "0", "0", "2", "2"), c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene3", "Gene4",
"Gene5", "Gene6", "Gene7", "Gene8", "Gene9", "Gene10", "Gene11",
"Gene12", "Gene13", "Gene14")))
Update; second question removed.
Code for PCA plot is as follows;
data.mat.1.pca <- prcomp(log(data.mat.1), scale.=T, center=T)
pcvalues <- summary(data.mat.1.pca)
#colour coding each disease group
colour_disease <- rownames(data.mat.1)
position_control<- grep("0", colour_disease)
position_UC<- grep("1", colour_disease)
position_Crohn<- grep("2", colour_disease)
disease <- vector()
disease[position_control] <- "lightskyblue"
disease[position_UC] <- "lightslategrey"
disease[position_Crohn] <- "lightpink2"
##proportion of variance explained for PC1 and PC2 for plot
eigs<- data.mat.1.pca$sdev^2
varExplained.pc1<- round(eigs[1]/sum(eigs), digits=3)*100
varExplained.pc2 <- round(eigs[2]/sum(eigs), digits=3)*100
plot(data.mat.1.pca$x[,1], data.mat.1.pca$x[,2],
col=disease, bg=disease, pch=19, cex=1,
xlab=paste("PCA 1 (", varExplained.pc1, "%)", sep=""),
ylab=paste("PCA 2 (", varExplained.pc2, "%)", sep=""))
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Control", "UC", "Crohns"),
fill=c("lightskyblue", "lightslategrey", "lightpink2"))
The values for the first three PCs are as follows;
S.D 3.6619 0.44801 0.30046
Proportion of Variance 0.9578 0.01424 0.00645
Cumulative proportion 0.9578 0.97215 0.97860
Here is a link to a research paper image https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Boxplots-of-the-first-three-principal-components-of-the-kidney-data-Group-specific_fig1_316641179
They are comparing control vs treatment, whilst I need three box plots (one for each group).
to your original data and you can plot any combination of boxplots you want. The second question is a bit vague, but you could start by comparing the principal components from the two analyses, PC1 with PC1, etc. – dcarlsondata.mat.1.pca$x[,1]
). You can create boxplots of these by group. – dcarlson