
I have a problem to code my ggplot. I have this kind of dataset, about organ size related to body length (in x):

Species <- c("dog","dog","dog","dog","cat","cat","cat","cat")
CatAge <- c("young","young", "old","old", "young","young", "old","old" )
Organ <- c("Head", "Tail", "Head", "Tail","Head", "Tail","Head", "Tail")
a0 <- c(2.98962815, 0.53920924, 1.51232011, 0.32431237, 1.63165924, 0.1801883, 2.18294768, 0.10224673)
a1 <- c(-0.123974545, 0.013143765, 1.261783376, 0.290707994, 1.366204115, -0.009038363, 0.60089694, 0.265277471)
xmin <- c(0.9334873, 0.9334873, 1.1205739, 1.1205739, 0.5250448, 0.5250448, 0.6599162, 0.6599162)
xmax <- c(1.0629578, 1.0629578,1.2193225,1.2193225, 0.6946052, 0.6946052, 0.8331471, 0.8331471 )

MyData <-  data.frame(Species, CatAge, Organ, a0, a1, xmin, xmax)

With Species the considered species, CatAge the category of age, Organ the measured organ, a0 and a1 the coefficients in the formula a0+a1*x, and xmin and xmax the body length who are the limits of the linear regression

(Note: this is a totally unrealistic dataset, but my dataset has a similar structure: Species, Larval instar, measured organs and the coefficients and limits)

What I want is this type of graph (with red/brown head/tail of old animal, blue/green Head/tail of young one): What I want

Basically, I just want to tell to ggplot: draw the linear regression using a0 and a1, within the limits of xmin and xmax, in the correct panel, and apply a color according to the combinations Organ/CatAge.

So I though a code like that

 ggplot(data=MyData, aes(group=Species))+
stat_function(data= MyData, fun=function(x){a0+a1*x}, xlim=c(xmin, xmax) )

Of course, didn't work. In my attempts, I had many error messages: attempt to apply non-function, xmin and xmax unknown, Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (18): x etc etc

I even considered to pass by a loop "for" to consider the dataset line by line, like

g+ stat_function(data = MyData[i,], xlim=c(MyData[i,]$xmin, MyData[i,]$xmax), fun=function(x){MyData[i,]$a0+MyData[i,]$a1*x} )

Well, it failed too.

I may try to write manually, line by line for every combination, something like:

stat_function(data = MyData[(MyData$Species=="dog"),], fun=function(x){0.02540 + 0.03751 *x}, xlim=c(0.9334873, 1.0629578), colour="black", size=1, linetype=6) 

But 1) I am not even sure it will work and 2) my real dataset has 3 species, 3 organs, 5 to 7 stages and 57 lines, and it will be tedious to do it. And I am running out of idea how to write this piece of code.

That's why I am calling for help. Any idea to do what I want? Thank you by advance for the help!

Stupid question from my part - do you have the original data, or only the pre-computed regression coefficients?tjebo
Clearly not a stupid question. This dataset is a total fantasy, but I can have access to the original data. Do you think there is another way to do it directly from it?trantsyx
Yes totally! If you want to plot regression lines, plot your real data, e.g. using geom_point() and add +geom_smooth(method = 'lm'). This will plot your regression lines without pre-computation. Makes your life much easier. you can also only plot your regression lines, without plotting the real data pointstjebo

1 Answers


This is a good start:

ggplot(MyData, aes(color = interaction(Organ, CatAge, sep = " / "))) +
      x    = xmin,    y = a0 + a1 * xmin,
      xend = xmax, yend = a0 + a1 * xmax), 
    size = 1.5) +
  facet_wrap(~Species) +
  labs(x = "Body Length", y = "Organ Length", color = "Organ / Age")

enter image description here

You may want to consider using the linetype and color aesthetics, one each for Organ and Age, instead of mapping both of those variables to color.