I'm trying to create a scatter plot with Ploty that allow me to display the different species of the Iris dataset plus a square for each species representing the min and max values for Sepal length and width. To clarify, I want something like this for each species:
For that, I've created a list of scatter plots + squares for each species, and I want to call each item on the list (a chart + a square for the specie selected) with the dropdown menu. So far I've failed to do that. I've also tried to do the "standard" procedure of plotting the species in a scatter ggplot, create it to a ploty chart and add the dropdown menu. That workerd fine for interactively select each specie, but I can't managed to change the limits of the square when a new species is selected.
This is my code so far (the one that stores the ggplots + the squares in a list):
flw <-data.frame(iris)
flw_squares <- data.frame(spc = c("setosa","virginica","versicolor"),
sep_lg_min = c(4.5,6.5,5),
sep_lg_max = c(5.8,8,7),
sep_wd_min = c(3.2,2.5,2.5),
sep_wd_max = c(4.25,3.5,3.5))
flw_lst <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(flw_squares$spc)){
spc_selected= flw_squares$spc[i]
flw_lst[i,1] <- flw_squares$spc[i]
flw_lst[i,2] <- as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Length==min(as.numeric(Sepal.Length),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Length)[1]
flw_lst[i,3] <- as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Length==max(as.numeric(Sepal.Length),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Length)[1]
flw_lst[i,4] <- as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Width==min(as.numeric(Sepal.Width),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Width)[1]
flw_lst[i,5] <- as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Width==max(as.numeric(Sepal.Width),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Width)[1]
colnames(flw_lst)<-c("Species","min Sepal.Length","max Sepal.Length","min Sepal.Width","max Sepal.Width")
# ggplot(flw,aes(x=Sepal.Length,y=Sepal.Width))+
# geom_point(aes(color=Species))
for (i in 1:length(flw_squares$spc)){
spc_p<-flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected) %>%ggplot(aes(y=Sepal.Width ,x=Sepal.Length ))+
theme_bw()+ ggtitle(paste("Scatter plot "),spc_selected) +
geom_point(shape=21, size=3, stroke=.2)+
scale_color_manual(values = "black")+
labs(color = "Species") + theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.box = "horizontal")+
xmin= as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Length==min(as.numeric(Sepal.Length),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Length)[1],
xmax= as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Length==max(as.numeric(Sepal.Length),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Length)[1],
ymin= as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Width==min(as.numeric(Sepal.Width),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Width)[1],
ymax= as.numeric((flw%>%filter(Species== spc_selected)%>%
filter(Sepal.Width==max(as.numeric(Sepal.Width),na.rm = TRUE)))$Sepal.Width)[1],
fill = "transparent",color = "red", size = .4)
spc_lst[[i]]<- plotly_build(spc_p)
spc_lst[[1]] %>%
yaxis = list(title = "y"),
updatemenus = list(
y = 0.7,
buttons = list(
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("visible", list(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)),
label = "setosa"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("visible", list(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)),
label = "virginica"),
list(method = "restyle",
args = list("visible", list(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)),
label = "versicolor")))
Do you have any ideas on how to tackle this issue? I think that it's better to create a ggplot, add the dropdowm menu with ploty and then select the species from the chart, but I can´t manage to "listen" to the event and change the limits on the geom_rect
part of the code.