
Does anyone know how to connect Snowflake DB through DBeaver? I have installed the latest JDBC driver "snowflake-jdbc-3.9.2" & trying to connect to Snowflake DB, but I'm getting below error:

"JDBC driver encountered communication error. Message: Exception encountered for HTTP request: Connection reset.

How does your connection details dialog look in DBeaver?Cedersved
Why not try the latest driver version? And you should be able to follow the general instructions for the Snowflake JDBC driver for DBeaver. docs.snowflake.net/manuals/user-guide/jdbc-configure.htmlSuzy Lockwood
Are you behind a proxy server perhaps? You might need to configure your internet connection settingsDavos

1 Answers


You can use the 3.10.3 version of Snowflake JDBC jar.Its a tried and tested version on Db eaver .