
I am using a data governance too called ATaccama and I have created a SP in Snowflake but I am getting below error when I am calling the SP from Ataccama JDBC sql execute component. However, I am using latest JDBC driver for SNOWFLAKE : snowflake-jdbc-3.9.2. Your help is much appreciated!

net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Statement 'call PII.kc11_search...' cannot be executed using current API.
at net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakePreparedStatementV1.executeBatch(SnowflakePreparedStatementV1.java:937)
at com.ataccama.dqc.internal.commons.sql.AtcPreparedStatement.executeBatch(AtcPreparedStatement.java:307)
at com.ataccama.dqc.io.jdbc.writer.FlatCommitStrategy.executeBatch(FlatCommitStrategy.java:115)
at com.ataccama.dqc.io.jdbc.writer.BatchWriter.executeBatch(BatchWriter.java:54)
at com.ataccama.dqc.io.jdbc.writer.BatchWriter.flush(BatchWriter.java:98)
at com.ataccama.dqc.tasks.jdbc.execute.SqlExecuteQueryProcessor.finish(SqlExecuteQueryProcessor.java:106)
at com.ataccama.dqc.tasks.jdbc.execute.SQLStepInstanceBase$SimpleProcessingStrategy.run(SQLStepInstanceBase.java:249)
at com.ataccama.dqc.tasks.jdbc.execute.SQLStepInstanceBase.run(SQLStepInstanceBase.java:136)
at com.ataccama.dqc.processor.internal.runner.ComplexStepNode.runNode(ComplexStepNode.java:69)
at com.ataccama.dqc.processor.internal.runner.RunnableNode.run(RunnableNode.java:28)
at com.ataccama.dqc.commons.threads.AsyncExecutor$RunningTask.run(AsyncExecutor.java:131)at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

[NOTE: using - Call PII. Kc11_seach().]

Any ideas or otherwise beneficial recommendations?

It looks like something is not being supported. What is this SP doing? Is it returning a result set? Are you using the JavaScript API? docs.snowflake.net/manuals/sql-reference/… I might suggest contacting Snowflake Support and also Ataccama support to see what Snowflake is returning and whether that is supported on both sides.Suzy Lockwood
I've seen several of these posts where random tools throw errors about being unable to CALL Stored Procedures. I suspect some don't even try, but inspect the SQL and complain when a keyword is not recognized. Meaning they have to put out a new release to allow for the CALL command.Hans Henrik Eriksen

1 Answers


The Snowflake JDBC driver does not currently support executing any SQL statements that may return a value as part of its PreparedStatement::executeBatch(…) call that Attacama is using under the hood. This is because the batch call handling cannot process returned values from one or more of their multiple executed SQL queries.

Since a CALL PROCEDURE() may return a value, the driver considers it as a statement that may generate a result and throws the unsupported statement error.

To call a procedure via Attacama, use a different component that does not use JDBC's PreparedStatement::executeBatch(…) calls underneath.