
I am using Firebase Authentication in my Angular (v 8) project. Everything is working fine with Email Address and Password.

Now, as per the requirement, I also want to store First Name, Last Name, Gender, User Type, Occupation, Hobby fields along with Email and Password. From some links like Add extra User Information with firebase, it looks like I need to use Firebase Database.

Is there any other way to store those fields without the Database? If No, then which database is good for me (Realtime or Cloud Filestore)? I just want User Management in my project.

FYI: asking for product recommendation is off topic for Stack Overflow. But if you have data you want to store per user, you should probably find some database to do that for you.Doug Stevenson

1 Answers


Is there any other way to store those fields without the Database?

No, you can't.

Which database is good for me (Realtime or Cloud Filestore)? I just want User Management in my project.

As the information you're going to store has a "simple" structure, your choice will hardly depend on what kind of search are you going to do. I would suggest going for firestore because of the query and indexing capabilities. Also security with firestore uses IAM and the rules are not in cascade (more information about that in here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/rtdb-vs-firestore) which provide a lot more options.