I want to craete a single linked list without gloabal variables. I initialized the first element with NULL
and then wanted to copy the first element node
to list_
. It is copied in the function but the side effect isn´t working. In my main-function the value is still NULL
If I return the struct in the add_element()
function all works fine but, is it possible that l
gets the value of node without changing the functions structure and the struct itself?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct list {
int value;
struct list *next;
struct list *initialize(void)
struct list * l = NULL;
return l;
int add_element(struct list *list_, void *v)
struct list *node = malloc(sizeof(struct list));
node->value = *((int*)v);
node->next = NULL;
if(list_ == NULL)
list_ = node;
printf("list_->value = %d\n", list_->value); // correct copy
return 0;
//TODO if not first then add at end..
return 0;
int main()
struct list *l = initialize(); // l = NULL
int i = 10;
if(l == NULL) printf("l == NULL!\n");
printf("l->value = %d\n", l->value); // does not work, l is NULL
return 0;