HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split s3://exp-mahesh-sandbox/Demo/Year=2017/Month=1/Day=3/part-00015-d0e1263a-616e-435f-b4f4-9154afb3f07d.c000.snappy.parquet (offset=0, length=12795): Schema mismatch, metastore schema for row column statistical has 17 fields but parquet schema has 9 fields
I have used AWS Glue crawler to get the schema of the Parquet files. Initially I am having few files in the partition Day=1 and Day=2, run crawler and able to query it using Athena. After adding few more files in the partition Day=3, where the schema of file with "statistical"(type:struct) column has some missing fields, Athena throws the above mentioned error. Is there any way to solve this issue. I am expecting null value in the missing fields.
I have tried UPDATE THE TABLE DEFINITION IN THE DATA CATALOG option in the crawler, but it gives the same result.