I'm getting a schema mismatch error when querying parquet data from Athena.
The error is:
HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT: Error opening Hive split s3://datalake/googleanalytics/version=0/eventDate=2017-06-11/part-00001-9c9312f7-f9a5-47c3-987e-9348b78aaebc-c000.snappy.parquet (offset=0, length=48653579): Schema mismatch, metastore schema for row column totals has 13 fields but parquet schema has 12 fields
In the AWS Glue Crawler I tried enabling Update all new and existing partitions with metadata from the table which I thought would resolve this issue, however I'm still getting the above error. I did this because of the similar question: How to create AWS Glue table where partitions have different columns? ('HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH')
The table schema for the totals column is:
The parquet file for partition eventDate=2017-06-11 is missing the last field "sessionQualityDim".
PARTITIONED BY ('eventdate' string)
– AndrewSCDataFrame.printSchema()
to display the schema: – AndrewSC