I have a cloudformation stack and edited the resource property and now the stack is showing in drifted state. I have run the cli command to find the drifted resource and got the results. Now I need to do update the stack with expected values of the resource properties. but in my cloudformation stack i have specified only resource parameters. can anyone tell me how can I update a stack with resources and its properties. the command which i run
aws cloudformation describe-stack-resource-drifts --stack-name stack-test --query 'StackResourceDrifts[*].{LogicalResourceId: LogicalResourceId, PropertyDifferences: PropertyDifferences}
I got the output as below:
"LogicalResourceId": "tsets3",
"PropertyDifferences": [
"PropertyPath": "/PublicAccessBlockConfiguration/RestrictPublicBuckets",
"ExpectedValue": "true",
"ActualValue": "false",
"DifferenceType": "NOT_EQUAL"
when i tried with the command
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name stack-test --use-previous-template --resource-types="AWS::S3::*" --capabilities="CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"
I am getting an error as below:
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the UpdateStack operation: ResourceTypes and Capabilities cannot be specified at the same time.
can anyone help me on this?
Thanks in advance.