Assuming you are looking for the edit history of a page, it seems like your best bet is to use the "lastModifiedDateTime" field in Microsoft's responses to GET /me/onenote/pages/{id}.
Here is a sample response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 312
"title": "title-value",
"createdByAppId": "createdByAppId-value",
"links": {
"oneNoteClientUrl": {
"href": "href-value"
"oneNoteWebUrl": {
"href": "href-value"
"contentUrl": "contentUrl-value",
"content": "content-value",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2016-10-19T10:37:00Z"
You can find the full details in their OneNote REST API documentation at this link:
OneNote notebooks and sections also have a "lastModifiedDateTime".
You can use Python to parse the response for the "lastModifiedDateTime" field. See the two pages below for guidance on parsing API responses with Python.
Selecting fields from JSON output
What's the best way to parse a JSON response from the requests library?
Best of luck with the rest of your project!