After reviewing the following:
On Google Spreadsheet how can you query 'GoogleFinance' for a past exchange rate?
and subsequently:
Google Spreadsheet, finding the previous weekday
I tried the following:
=(GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:USDGBP", "price", WORKDAY("1/1/2020"+1,-1), WORKDAY("1/8/2020"+1,-1)))
However this is return weekend values also (not required)
Date Close
1/1/2020 23:58:00 0.7548
1/2/2020 23:58:00 0.7606
1/3/2020 23:58:00 0.7644967
1/4/2020 23:58:00 0.7640879
1/5/2020 23:58:00 0.764575
1/6/2020 23:58:00 0.75925
1/7/2020 23:58:00 0.7625
1/8/2020 23:58:00 0.7631
I just wish to query the past prices for weekdays only:
Date Close
1/1/2020 23:58:00 0.7548
1/2/2020 23:58:00 0.7606
1/3/2020 23:58:00 0.7644967
1/6/2020 23:58:00 0.75925
1/7/2020 23:58:00 0.7625
1/8/2020 23:58:00 0.7631