I'm having an issue with the following formula in google sheets:
=IFS(F2<> "EUR", E2*GOOGLEFINANCE("Currency:"&F2&$G$1,"price", H2), F2 = "EUR", E2)
H2 is a cell which holds a date. I am trying to get a formula I can use for multiple different dates. I got the following error message:
Function MULTIPLY parameter 2 expects number values. But 'Date' is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
According to my research the formula has these constraints:
Where the first nested DATE function is the start date, and the second DATE function is the end date. And they are optional.
I tried Date(H2) and I got this error message:
Wrong number of arguments to DATE. Expected 3 arguments, but received 1 arguments.
Thank you in advance!