
Below is the structure of my dataset:

Lic#          Avg Payment/Service

1508004193    0.54        
1912006552 .  0.56
1720017593 .  0.56
1770840431 .  0.60
1023001864 .  0.70
1669681458 .  0.72
1699718270 .  0.72
1982858031 .  0.79
1205913621 .  0.87
1174650030 .  0.88

How do I write a formula on google sheet to calculate how many Lic# exists with Average Payment/Service between 0.54 and 0.60. The raw data is on Sheet1 and I am trying to use Sheet2 to present the aggregated value in a given cell.


1 Answers


You can provide multiple condition with same range using COUNTIFS


Here is the working snapshot enter image description here

Here is the explanation to COUNTIFS https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3256550?hl=en