I have a webview inside my Xamarin Forms application which opens report downloaded from server in html format. Today I uploaded my archived application to app store and get information about ITMS-90809: UIWebView API Deprecation
The problem is that I have no idea how to replace UIWebView with WKWebView in cross platform application. I've tried several solutions:
1) Creating Custom renderer for WebView - but this is no solution really because I need to inherit my new class by WebView
superclass. So Apple warn me again with the same message.
2) Creating dependency service and use custom renderer in ios project only. But this is the same problem - there is still WebView reference in shared project.
So, is there any way to inject WKWebView directly to StackLayout in iOS? I know that WKWebView is iOS only and StackLayout is Xamarin.Forms component but really I don't have any idea how to do this.
Can anyone help me?