
I am new to powerBI and i have created a measure using two tables as given below.

Paid Users = 
VAR current_month = MAX('Date'[Dates])
VAR customers = CALCULATE(sum('users'[CustomersOrNot]), FILTER(ALL('users'),'users'[CustomersOrNotDate] <= current_month && 'users'[CanceledDate] > current_month && 'users'[category] IN {"001","002","003"}))
return customers

so we have users table and Date table but when i try to create a chart of paid Users with category i am getting same values for all the categories instead of different values for different categories. Users Table enter image description here Dates enter image description here

Sample data and desired output would be helpfulCR7SMS
You are using the FILTER(ALL(...)...) syntax which removes all the filters on the users table and later on introduce a filter on users by category in 001, 002, 003. Remove the ALL() and you should get your result: ALCULATE(sum('users'[CustomersOrNot]), FILTER('users',......user12493039
@FabianSchenker By removing ALL from the Filter i am getting quite different numbers that does not make sense.jarry jafery
in that case, we would need more information about your data model and as described by cr7sms sample data and desired output.user12493039
@CR7SMS my date table is quite simple like date, year, month etc and for the other i am updating the question.jarry jafery

1 Answers


In the calculation you are using Filter All which is creating issues. To work around this you can create a column with the following calculation:

Paid Users = 
VAR current_month = MAX('Date'[Dates])
VAR customers = CALCULATE(sum(users[CustomerOrNot]), FILTER(ALLEXCEPT('users',users[category]),'users'[CustomerOrNotDate] <= current_month && users[CanceledDate] > current_month && users[category] IN {"001","002","003"}))
return customers

You can now aggregate this using min(Paid Users)to get the results at a category level. Hope this helps.