I have line and clustered column chart (shown on "Graph" image) and I want to add a visual like drawn on "Graph" image Clustered Columns : Planned Labor Data and Actual Labor Data Lines : Cumulative Planned Labor data and Cumulative Labor Data
I keep data for both planned (P_Planned_Labor) and actual (Z_Labor) in 2 column table (date and data). Also I have a Date table (Z_Tarih) and it has only dates which has relation with planned and actual tables.
Dax Measures:
- [Toplam Bugdeted] = Sum of Planned Bugdet
- Labor_Earned % İlerleme = DIVIDE(sum(Z_Labor[Değer]),[Toplam Budgeted],0) "percentage of actual labor of this week)
- Labor_Plan % İlerleme = DIVIDE(SUM(P_Planned_Labor[Değer]),[Toplam Budgeted],0) "percentage of planned labor of this week)
- Labor_Earned Küm. % İlerleme = DIVIDE(CALCULATE(SUM(Z_Labor[Değer]),FILTER(ALL(Z_Tarih),Z_Tarih[Tarih]<=MAX(Z_Labor[Tarih]))),[Toplam Budgeted],0) "percentage of all actual from begining"
- Labor_Plan Küm. % İlerleme = DIVIDE(CALCULATE(SUM(P_Planned_Labor[Değer]),FILTER(ALL(Z_Tarih),Z_Tarih[Tarih]<=MAX(Z_Tarih[Tarih]))),[Toplam Budgeted],0) "percentage of all planned from begining"
the chart i used doesnt allow (or i couldn't figure it out) to add visual which show difference value among lines.
Is there any chart that allow me to do that ?
or what measure should i add ?