
I have setup IWA for my service provider by following these documents: https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/learn/configuring-iwa-on-linux/ https://medium.com/@farasath/integrated-windows-authentication-with-kerberos-and-wso2-identity-server-ffcd8263a0f1

However upon submitting the login request, I get HTTP 500 error. Why am I facing this issue? Note: The same IWA configuration work fine for older version i.e WSO2 Identity- Server(wso2is-km-5.7.0)

IWA error

Can you confirm whether you have followed the steps in is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/learn/configuring-iwa-on-linux? The configuration model has changed from IS 5.7.0 to IS 5.9.0 a bit.farasath
Yes, I have followed the same steps mentioned thereshubh1023
Anyone facing the same issue with this version of WSO2??..Please guide usshubh1023
Is it just me who is facing this issue with the latest version...or did anyone resolve it???shubh1023
Can you explain your setup (Client machine, AD and IS are located) and how the flow happens in your environment?farasath

1 Answers


This could be due to the reason explained in https://github.com/wso2/product-is/issues/8028

There is a check in the code to make sure the IWA login request does not come from the same host as the IS. Due to a bug in the tomcat version used in IS 5.9.0, this check fails even if the IWA login is initiated from a different host than IS.