I have enabled recaptcha in WSO2(wso2is-km-5.9.0) by following https://is.docs.wso2.com/en/5.9.0/learn/setting-up-recaptcha/ Steps to recreate: 1.Generate keys and secret from gmail account 2.Add these to WSO2_HOME/repository/conf/identitycaptcha-config.properties 3.Restart the Identity Server(IS) services. 4.Enable recaptcha from IS console:Identity provider->Resident->Login Policies->Captcha for SSO login->Enable 5.When I enable Max failed attempts=0 so that the login asks the users for recaptcha each time during login, there is an issue...while opening https://Identity_server_DNS:9443/dashboard the login prompts for username and password, after submitting this request the login page reappears with username and password and now with a Recaptcha, which means I have to enter username and password again now but now also with recaptcha
How do I enable Recaptcha to appear always at login page???