Using MassTransit with Azure Service Bus as the transport. I'm forced to always set PrefetchCount to 1 or else the consumer will pull the same message off the queue multiple times, at which point I get a message lock exception. Why would my consumer pull off the same message and try to process it multiple times? How can I avoid this behaviour to allow my consumer to process multiple messages (just not the same message) concurrently?
2020-01-03 10:30:31 ERR Exception on Receiver sb://**queueuri**/create-access-points during "RenewLock"
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.MessageLockLostException: The lock supplied is invalid. Either the lock expired, or the message has already been removed from the queue. Reference:2e0c6c96-a0e1-40e2-9f95-1930aad9744b, TrackingId:37d9c13c-5bb4-4c19-9853-21f9ef06c7dd_B31, SystemTracker:qesi-local-queue:Queue:create-access-points, Timestamp:2020-01-03T16:31:08
Forced to set PrefetchCount in my Consumer
public class CreateAccessPointCommandHandlerDef : ConsumerDefinition<CreateAccessPointCommandHandler>
public CreateAccessPointCommandHandlerDef()
EndpointName = "create-access-points";
ConcurrentMessageLimit = 4;
protected override void ConfigureConsumer(
IReceiveEndpointConfigurator endpointConfigurator,
IConsumerConfigurator<CreateAccessPointCommandHandler> consumerConfigurator
if (endpointConfigurator is IServiceBusEndpointConfigurator)
(endpointConfigurator as IServiceBusEndpointConfigurator).LockDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
(endpointConfigurator as IServiceBusEndpointConfigurator).MaxAutoRenewDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
(endpointConfigurator as IServiceBusEndpointConfigurator).PrefetchCount = 1;
Here is my logs showing I get the lock exception just shortly after the message is received. The process eventually completes successfully and then it tries to process the same message again.
2020-01-06 10:19:38 DBG Received CreateAccessPoints message (ID: 14020000-5d08-0015-ac23-08d792c43254 for ProviderNetworkId 17 and ProviderNetworkVersionId 1014.
info: Worker[0] Worker running at: 01/06/2020 10:19:52 -06:00
2020-01-06 10:19:52 INF Worker running at: 01/06/2020 10:19:52 -06:00
info: Worker[0] Worker running at: 01/06/2020 10:20:12 -06:00
2020-01-06 10:20:13 INF Worker running at: 01/06/2020 10:20:12 -06:00
fail: MassTransit[0]
Exception on Receiver sb://**azuresb** during RenewLock
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.MessageLockLostException: The lock supplied is invalid. Either the lock expired, or the message has already been removed from the queue. Reference:9470f437-5c5f-4280-aa32-0f1d97ac7c50, TrackingId:89f135d1-69ce-4c08-b80d-247d3c17eb76_B1, SystemTracker:**azuresb**:Queue:create-access-points, Timestamp:2020-01
Here's the log from my startup, does any of this seem wrong?
2020-01-06 10:43:05 DBG Topic: "qesi.Core.ProviderNetwork.Commands/CreateAccessPointsCommand" ("")
2020-01-06 10:43:05 DBG Queue: "create-access-points" ("auto-delete: 29247y1M2w2h48m5s477ms")
2020-01-06 10:43:05 DBG Subscription "create-access-points" ("Commands/CreateAccessPointsCommand" -> "sb://**azuresb**/create-access-points")
2020-01-06 10:43:05 DBG Creating message receiver for sb://
2020-01-06 10:43:06 DBG Creating queue "QA1271_****_bus_nobyyyn7byybmbdabdm3ft598r"
2020-01-06 10:43:07 DBG Queue: "QA1271_****_bus_nobyyyn7byybmbdabdm3ft598r" ("dead letter, auto-delete: 5m")
And finally here is my Bus creation code:
return Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(cfg =>
cfg.Host(_config.ServiceBusUri, host => {
host.SharedAccessSignature(s =>
s.KeyName = _config.KeyName;
s.SharedAccessKey = _config.SharedAccessKey;
s.TokenTimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
s.TokenScope = TokenScope.Namespace;
cfg.UseMessageRetry(retry => retry.Immediate(2));