I'm new to Azure Service Bus and MassTransit and I'm experimenting with sending a simple command to a queue and then having a consumer consume that command. I can successfully get the message sent, and then consumed by my consumer, however I've noticed that a corresponding topic also gets created. My somewhat naive understanding of this is that a topic would only need to be used for event publishing and subscriptions.
This is what sets up my IBus instance, where IMessageBus encapsulates the MassTransit.IBus instance
public static IMessageBus CreateBusAndRegisterQueueConsumer<T>(string servicePath, string queueName, IComponentContext autoFacContext)
where T : class
return new MessageBus
Instance = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingAzureServiceBus(
sbc =>
var host = ConfigureServiceBus(servicePath, sbc);
sbc.ReceiveEndpoint(host, queueName, ec =>
Is the behaviour that I'm observing correct, in that sending commands will always under the hood create topics, or have I set up my service bus incorrectly? And if it does need to create a topic, is this due to the way MassTransit works, or is this some underlying requirement of Azure Service Bus?
This is what I see in service bus explorer after sending a command