
Suppose I have a "Employee" container with Partition Key as the "EmployeeId". What is the best way to query multiple employee items from this data store? I am using the .Net SDK V3 of Azure Cosmos Db

The option I could think of is -

Using ARRAY_CONTAINS() - link

Select * FROM Employee e where ARRAY_CONTAINS(@EmployeesIdList, e.EmployeeId)

This query will still be a cross-partitioned query. Also as per this, cross partition queries are enabled by default in the V3 sdk. So is this the correct way to query multiple such items?

Can you be a little more specific about what you are trying to achieve? Are you trying to pull all documents in the collection, or all documents with a specific EmployeeId, or all documents with one of a defined set of EmployeeId values? Also, can you post a sample document.Paul
Use in clause or partition feature to fetch records. Partitions are logical separation in Cosmos DB and are well used for many purposes, one you have mentioned above.Rahul Jha

1 Answers


You can use IN operator in Azure Cosmos DB to include multiple values and pull data.
