I have an httpService from nestjs/common
and I am using like the following:
const response = await this.httpService.post(`${this.api}/${action}`, data).toPromise();
and in my jest spec file ( unit testing) . i am trying to mock this service
httpServiceMock = {
post: jest.fn()
it('should start', async () => {
const serviceResult = await service.start(data);
and I have got this error :
TypeError: this.httpService.post(...).toPromise is not a function
I am also trying to add a promise result like :
const promise = Promise.resolve('result');
tried also :
it('should start', async () => {
const mockObservable = Promise.resolve({
toPromise: () => {
console.log('toPromise called');
httpServiceMock.post.mockImplementation(() => mockObservable);
const serviceResult = await service.start();
My question is how can I mock the promise and return a response or exception