I'm trying to mock an async function that is exported as a default export but all I get is TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
What I'm trying to mock is config.js:
const configureEnvironment = async (nativeConfig) => {
return { await whatever() }
The file I'm testing is Scene.js:
import configureEnvironment from './config';
class Scene extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
nativeConfig = {};
configureEnfironment(nativeConfig).then((config) => {
// Do stuff
And my test file is Scene.test.js:
let getScene = null;
const configureEnvironmentMock = jest.fn();
describe('Scene', () => {
jest.mock('./config', () => configureEnvironmentMock);
const Scene = require('./Scene').default;
getScene = (previousState) => {
return shallow(
<Scene prevState={previousState}>
<Fragment />
it('calls configureEnvironment with the nativeConfig', async () => {
const nativeConfig = {};
However, the result of running the test is:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined
I understand the issue is on the way I mock configureEnvironment but I cannot get it working.
I also tried to mock the function like:
jest.mock('./config', () => {
return {
default: configureEnvironmentMock,
But it results on:
TypeError: (0 , _config2.default) is not a function