
I have gone through this document :


I have created an availability test on Azure portal and it works as excepted . But how can I create/configure an availability test using SDK or HTTP request in an application insight ?

As each time we create a new web app on our Azure VMs by our application , we need to monitor this new application , I don't want to create a test manually. I want to create it with the new web application. And can availability test ping internal web apps ? Any guide is appreciated .


1 Answers


There is rest api Web Tests - Create Or Update for creating Availability testing, you can take use of it to create or update the Availability test for Application insights.

For a simple way, you can just click the "Try it" button, then fill in all the necessary fields, like below:

enter image description here

For internal website, if we cannot visit it outside, then availability test can not ping it either.