
I'm new to using jekyll and tried installing the minimal-mistakes-jekyll theme as a gem. Added the gem minimal-mistakes-jekyll to my gemfile, updated it with the bundle command, and set it as theme in _config.yml on a directory created by jekyll new mywebsite but it's giving me this error when I try to run bundle exec jekyll serve:

/home/theo/gems/gems/octokit-4.14.0/lib/octokit/middleware/follow_redirects.rb:14:in `': uninitialised constant Faraday::Error::ClientError (NameError) Did you mean? Faraday::ClientError

which persists when I tried using different versions of jekyll. I'm not sure how to fix this, any help would be appreciated! Running Ubuntu 19.04 and ruby 2.5.5, if that's useful.

Don't post a link to an external resource showing the steps. Include the steps to reproduce the issue directly in your question.anothermh
I'm having the same issue here on MacOS 10.14 / ruby 2.6.3p62Martin Delille

1 Answers


I managed to fix the problem by editing the Gemfile and specifying manually the 0.17.3 version which seams to be the last official release:

source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
gem 'faraday', '0.17.3'

After doing that you'll need to run the following command:

rm Gemfile.lock
bundle install