I have followed the installation instructions for Windows, using the "rouge" syntax highlighter.
I created new site with "jekyll new" and changed to that folder. However, when I attempt to run "bundle exec jekyll serve" I get following error, which I have Googled fruitlessly.
Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error while converting 'assets/main.scss':
No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ./.sass-cache/361b8f43efc4363cbd9a8a5cc41b098a7f33ed80/_syntax-highlighting.scssc20190809-21944-io0jgo
Have tried adding/removing following settings in _config.yml, changing their case etc...
highlighter: rouge
encoding: utf-8
directory entirely. It will reappear the next time you build / serve the site locally. – ashmaroli.sass-cache
didn't help – Martin Morrey