
I have followed the installation instructions for Windows, using the "rouge" syntax highlighter.

I created new site with "jekyll new" and changed to that folder. However, when I attempt to run "bundle exec jekyll serve" I get following error, which I have Googled fruitlessly.

     Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
     Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error while converting 'assets/main.scss':
     No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ./.sass-cache/361b8f43efc4363cbd9a8a5cc41b098a7f33ed80/_syntax-highlighting.scssc20190809-21944-io0jgo

Have tried adding/removing following settings in _config.yml, changing their case etc...

highlighter: rouge
encoding: utf-8
Error does not occur when I use the documentation theme for JekyllMartin Morrey
What's this file name? _syntax-highlighting.scssc20190809-21944-io0jgoChristian
Try deleting the .sass-cache directory entirely. It will reappear the next time you build / serve the site locally.ashmaroli
Thanks, but deleting .sass-cache didn't helpMartin Morrey
full filepath given in the error message is ` ./.sass-cache/361b8f43efc4363cbd9a8a5cc41b098a7f33ed80/_syntax-highlighting.scssc20190812-28712-nbibpj`Martin Morrey

1 Answers


I have done some tests and I am not able to see this issue on Windows 10.

Follow the readme shown on the Minima Theme Github page to get this running. If the problem continues I'd suggest to raise an issue in the Issue page of the Minima theme repository on Github.