I have an IG region where I disabled the toolbar and created my custom search item.
I want user to be able to type the first three characters of a name on the search item (named P8_SEARCH) and the IG report will only show the name(s) that starts with those 3 characters.
This should happen without clicking any button. The IG report query is shown below:
select member_id, first_name, last_name , address, dob, home_phone, cell_phone,
email_address from member_profile where first_name like '%'||:P8_SEARCH||'%';
I also created dynamic action with key release event and True action Execute JavaScript Code shown below:
var keyPressCount=0;
$("#P8_SEARCH").on("keypress", () => {
if (keyPressCount < 2) {
} else {
$s("P8_SEARCH", apex.item( "P8_SEARCH" ).getValue());
How can I achieve this without submitting the page? I will appreciate any suggestion. Example: